S.A.M Myanmar
Seriously Addictive Mathematics (S.A.M) is the world’s largest Singapore Math enrichment program with more than 200 centers in 20 countries and counting.
Since 2010, multi-award-winning S.A.M has helped children aged 4–12 years old learn, enjoy and excel in math and English, and develop confidence and independence to succeed in school and beyond.
Seriously Addictive Mathematics (S.A.M) is a multi-award-winning thinking math program based on Singapore Math, a global top-ranking curriculum according to international studies TIMSS and PISA.
Since 2000, schools across the globe have adopted the world-renowned Singapore Math, a curriculum with a focus on problem solving and developing thinking skills in children.

Develop math mastery through interest and understanding instead of rote memorization and drilling
Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach and fun, hands-on activities to learn new math concepts
Learn 12 problem-solving math heuristics including the bar model method and solve word problems efficiently
Based on Singapore M.O.E math curriculum with a focus to develop thinking and problem-solving skills
Structured phonics approach simplifies the English language into 44 sounds to learn to read and write
Systematic and integrated development of literacy skills through a variety of activities and text types
Carefully structured modules cover fine motor skill, phonics, reading, comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, structuring text, planning and independent writing
A well established spiral structure to teach, consolidate, revisit and strengthen literacy skills at increasingly complex standards of English.

S.A.M Singapore Math program helps children develop math mastery, thinking and problem-solving skills through interest and understanding instead of rote memorization and drilling, with an emphasis on conceptual learning and explicit teaching of problem-solving heuristics and process.
S.A.E Phonics & English program uses a structured phonics approach and an integrated literacy skills curriculum to help children read fluently and write confidently, with carefully structured modules that teach, consolidate and strengthen literacy skills at increasingly complex standards of English.

Interested in opening a S.A.M centre in Laos? Please contact info@seriouslyaddictivemaths.la
S.A.M provides a conducive environment where Tyler can maximize his potential in math. S.A.M trainers keep Tyler well engaged which simulates his strong interest in math and increases his desire to learn more. He reacts with enthusiasm when he is challenged and he is motivated to learn a new topic. At S.A.M, both his strengths and weaknesses are supported, allowing him to excel in math at his own pace. We appreciate and commend S.A.M!