How To Raise An Intelligent Child

How To Raise An Intelligent Child

What does it take to raise an intelligent child in today’s society? Learn how early math exposure can benefit your child’s overall development and success in life by downloading the S.A.M e-book: How To Raise An Intelligent Child.

Table of contents

  • Why early math matters
    In a study on 35,000 preschoolers, early math skills was found to be the strongest predictive power for later success. Learning math also supports the development of literacy. Math is not just the foundation for careers in science or engineering; it is the pillar of a well-rounded foundation for every child.
  • Can IQ be improved by doing maths
    IQ was initially considered to be genetic and fixed. However, researchers found that fluid intelligence, which is the ability to solve abstract problems without depending on previous knowledge, skills or experience, can be improved with specific and targeted training of working memory.
  • How to improve your child’s IQ
    Developing a child’s IQ is not about getting them to do tons of IQ questions or assessment books. Neither is it about improving their memory. It is the everyday activities of what parents do and say that matters. Here are 5 things you can do to improve your child’s intelligence.
  • 4 things you can do at home to enhance your child’s IQ
    Research shows it is possible to create a highly conducive environment for cognitive and emotional growth. Here are more ideas on how you can create a stimulating home to develop your child’s fluid intelligence, sharpen their creativity and capacity to learn.
  • Besides IQ: qualities that every child needs
    Studies have shown that IQ predicts future success in life, such as academic achievement, income and health. Besides IQ, research also reveals other factors involved in determining a child’s success later in life. Here are two big qualities that will complement a child’s IQ.

Download the S.A.M e-book: How To Raise An Intelligent Child.

Child contemplating solutions to math problems

Singapore Math Heuristics: Draw a Table, Make Suppositions and Use Before-After Concept

Heuristics, in the context of problem-solving, are a set of strategies to help students solve mathematical problems. Although problem-solving is by and large the process of working towards a goal to which a solution may not be immediately present, it is important that problem solvers (or students) are not only aware of what they are […]

Problem-solving in mathematics

Singapore Math Heuristics: Solve Part of the Problem, Simplify the Problem and Work Backwards

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Singapore Math Heuristics: Make A Systematic List, Guess And Check, Restate The Problem In Another Way

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Singapore Math Heuristics: Act It Out, Draw A Diagram, Look For Patterns

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